
  • Language: Sanskrit
  • Date: 1620
  • Indoskript editor: kh
  • Dynasty:
  • ID: 297
  • Place of origin: Kathmandu (85° 18' long., 27° 42' lat.)
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Material: "Nepalese paper"


George, Christopher S.: "The Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa Tantra: Chapters I-VIII. a critical Edition and English Translation", (American Oriental Series, Vol. 56), 1974.


Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇatantra; Location: Kyðto University Library, Kyðto: Reference: Kyðto Catalogue No. 22, Ryūjo Yamada, "A Bibliography of Studies on Sanskrit Buddhism", T ð hoku Daikaku Bungakubu kenkyū nempo , Vol. VIII (Dec.,1957), 133.

Script: Newārī; Date: no date, but placed at ca. N.S. 740 (= A.D. 1620)

Herkunft: hier stellvertretend Kathmandu

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